99 days to go until my due date!!!
I really didnt think I'd ever get here, it seemed so far away. Now we have just a little over 3 months left! I will start the third trimester next week, that's right, the third! Banana has gotten much bigger and is squishing everything else that's supposed to be in my abdominal cavity. I get out of breath easily and heartburn/indigestion are starting but I cant even be upset about it because it just means that he is growing. I love feeling him move, I watch my belly constantly when I am on the sofa at night. I am also nesting. I have been cooking and cleaning and have become rather domestic in the last few weeks.
I'm sorry to say that there isnt much exciting news to report. He just keeps growing (he is about the size of an eggplant now) and my belly keeps growing and that's about it. My belly button is kind of flat and kind of sticking out now, I give it a few more weeks until it is out completely. That's the most exciting news I have... sorry!
We are going to the shore this weekend and I am considering a bikini. When will I ever be able to wear a bikini while pregnant again? I havent gained any weight except for in my belly and boobs and actually I have lost weight in other places, I dont have any stretch marks yet and my boobs arent saggy from breastfeeding like they would be in subsequent pregnancies. This is probably the best I will ever look while pregnant. I doubt I'll have enough guts to do it but it would be fun!
Have a great weekend!!