Monday, November 17, 2008

1 week

My little baby is 1 week old today. On one hand it went so fast, on the other it seems like he has been here forever. So what has happened over the last week?

I'll start with my recovery. The first few days were really rough. I was in a lot of pain. It was hard to move and I couldnt find a comfortable position unless I was laying down. And then it seemed like one day it was better as long as I didnt try to do too much. Now it is really ok, some discomfort sometimes but a million times better. I had no idea what it looks like down there, I havent looked. I think my stitches are dissolvable but I dont know how long it takes for them to dissolve. I am just going to wait until my post-partum appointment to even worry about what is going on down there. Weight loss? When I got home from the hospital I was only down 2 lbs but as of today I am down 12. That leaves 12 more to go to get to my prepregnancy weight but I would like to lose an additional 10-20 to get back to where I was before all of this ttc stuff started.

Now for the fun stuff... the baby!! First, he is absolutely adorable. He makes the cutest faces and already has little habits and a personality. He smells absolutely delicious! I just cant get enough of him. He has been breastfeeding like a champ. He really seemed to pick it up almost instantly. I though we were going to have problems but we're lucky so far. He is doing really well at night too. Some nights are worse than others but last night he ate at 11, 3 and 7. He goes right back to sleep after eating so there is no walking around the house in the middle of the night trying to settle a cranky baby. On the hard nights he is a little fussy or maybe doesnt go down right away but we really only had one night where one of us was awake the entire night and that was because he was in pain - gas or reflux, I'm not sure.

So I'm wondering, is there some kind of honeymoon period? Is this going to suddenly get harder one day? He is just such a good baby that I figure it must be too good to be true. Also, what about the post-partum hormones? I have really been feeling great. There has been 2 nights that I cried for no reason but besides that I am feeling good.


Michele said...

I am so glad he's doing so well! That is great! Sleeping seems to go on par with the differences in babies! Some sleep all night, some not at all. He sounds like a little dream. :-)

Becky Le Cochon said...

Awwwww...he is just tooo damn cute!!!
Keep the pics coming lady!
Oh and one baby is a GIRL!

Leslie said...

Honeymoon period? Maybe... it depends if he develops colic or not, hopefully he wont. Sounds like so far you have done excellent! There are so many things to stress about, but don't! Enjoy it enjoy it enjoy it! PP Blues will come and go quickly, PPD is way different and lasts a different amount of time for everyone. When I had my daughter we bought What to expect the first year and it was excellent!