Thursday, July 24, 2008


Wow! Where have I been? Last week I was on vacation. We went up to the Boston area for the week and it was a lot of fun. I was worried I would be uncomfortable with all of the walking but it wasnt too bad, it was a little hot though. So what's happened since my last post? He is still a boy, that was confirmed 2 weeks ago during my follow up ultrasound. Everything checked out ok during the ultrasound so I dont need to have anymore at this point. He was 15 ounces at 21 weeks! Big baby! I also found out that because of my thyroid issues I am going to be having non-stress tests weekly starting at 32 weeks. I dont really know why, it was surprised to hear it at my appointment this week so I will ask more questions at my next appointment. By that point I wont be working much longer so it wont be too bad. Between those appointments and my OB appointments I am going to live at the hospital/medical center for the last 8 weeks. It will be like all of the RE appointments all over again.

I still havent registered and I still havent picked out a stroller. I am planning on ordering the furniture tomorrow and will hopefully decide on bedding soon!

My belly is getting big and he is moving a lot, I love it!

That's about it I think.

1 comment:

staci said...

You're more than halfway done!!! So exciting! The NSTs aren't bad at all. I enjoyed getting them done once or twice a week. I just layed there and listened to his heartbeat the whole time and sometimes he even had the hiccups! :-)