Thursday, September 18, 2008


Wow, 30 weeks! We are in the home stretch now!

First of all, I passed my glucose tolerance test so no gestational diabetes for me! That means I can keep eating my ice cream. The receptionist messed up my next appointment so it isnt until Tuesday. I should be getting instructions for my non-stress tests. I am curious about whether I schedule them all at once or one week at a time.

Last night was our first childbirth class. I feel kind of silly being there for 2 reasons: 1-I feel like I dont belong, I cant possibly be pregnant enough to warrant these classes, can I? And yet most of the people are due a month after me! 2- Most of the people seem to have no idea what to expect so I am concerned that it's going to be really basic and I'm not going to get anything out of the classes. No big deal, it is a right of passage but I was hoping to learn some stuff. I also felt a little out of place because everyone was so young and unmarried. I am young at only 25 so these people must have been late teens/early 20's. I couldnt help but think that almost all of the pregnancies in that room were unplanned. Mom took a test after missing her period and maybe she cried or maybe she was scared to tell her boyfriend and family. You could tell this when we were going around the room and introducing ourselves. We were supposed to say something good and bad about your pregnancy. The first girl said "bad is back pain, not sleeping..." and went on and on. And the instructor said, "and good?" and her response was "I dont know, nothing really." Stab right to my heart. How could you not think that this pregnancy is amazing? Even after the horrible first few months I am still amazed at how he is growing and moving, it is really a miracle. We'll see how next week goes. I think we are seeing the birth video which was described as not as graphic as what you see on the baby shows. So what is it that we're seeing exactly?

My shower invites went out this week! Yay! And I am a registry stalker so I know that someone bought something this week already! I cant wait!

I am getting swollen in my feet and fingers. I guess this is causing my joints to ache. It is mostly my fingers but also my knees have been achy. I have always had knee issues so I am not surprised. My feet just feel stretched. Of course this week, when the weather is 70 and beautiful, I am stuck in a hot office with a window that doesnt open. I am so thankful that it is fall though. The cool air is so refreshing when I step outside in the morning. I might have to go for a walk tonight.

We are off to the shore this weekend for Irish weekend. We should probably stay home and work on the nursery but this might be the last weekend that we can get away. No bikini - it will be too cold!

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