Thursday, December 27, 2007

I managed to make it through my first round of clomid with some hot flashes but pretty minimal side effects overall. B says that I wasnt a total bitch so I feel like I have already accomplished something. I go in tomorrow for CD12 blood work and ultrasound. I hope that there is something there, I hope this has all been worth it and not another wasted cycle. I have actually been feeling some twinges and strange sensations which is unusual so I am hoping that there has been a lot of activity from my ovaries! Go ovaries go! I wish there was something I could do to help the response but I guess this medication is supposed to take care of that for me.

In non-tttc news, Christmas was fabulous! We are so lucky to have such great families. It was just what I needed when I was feeling down. Also, we are not going to the shore this weekend. With the monitoring tomorrow and everything else going on, it just isnt going to work out. That really stinks because it will be a while before we can get down there again but relaxing at home will be just as nice. I will update tomorrow with the results of the monitoring. Fingers crossed!!

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