Thursday, February 28, 2008

IUI#2 CD15

I had another monitoring appointment today. The left side was still lagging with 4 follies that were between 8 and 14. You would think with all of those follicles at least one would have been mature. The right side was the superstar this time with 2 follicles - one at 22 and one at 16. That 16 is right on the cusp, a little more time and it could mature but too much time and we will miss the bigger one. Most likely, I will trigger tonight and have IUIs tomorrow and Saturday. I already set up my appointment for tomorrow just so I could get a decent time. I will update when they call me this afternoon with my blood work results. Oh and my lining was a plump 12! So things seem to be going well this cycle. I am concerned about Bs sample over the next 2 days. He has been sick all week and even stayed home from work. Is that going to impair the quality of the sample? Last time we were around 100 million which I know is a great number so even if he cut it in half, 50 million would still be great, right? Stay positive Lisa!

This morning I was telling my mom that there might be 2 and I was really hoping for 2 to be mature to increase our chances. She said, yeah but it also increases your chances for twins. I said, I'd rather have 2 than none. She agreed. I was freaking out on the way over to the appointment that there would be 5 and I would end up with quintuplets. I was thinking how I couldnt do selective reduction so I would have to be on bed rest for pretty much the entire pregnancy and how horrible it would be. Soon this daydream was spinning out of control - I was thinking about the risks and how hard it would be. I never actually imagined what would happen when they were home because in my day dream, they would all be in the nicu if they made it at all. Luckily, there wont be 5. There might be 2 but that's it. I can handle 2. I am hoping for anything.

1 comment:

Becky Le Cochon said...

Here is to nice big follicles tomorrow!!!!!!
As for your question if I go back to Trinidad….I went last Oct after 9years of not being there and it was great to see all my old friends.. all married and have like 8 kids…
I may be going back in June again