Thursday, October 23, 2008


I am finished with Procardia! It has been 12 hours since my last dose! So far nothing has happened but I dont really expect it to. I'm convinced that he wont be here for a few more weeks. Anyway, now I am medication free! I told B that he really needs to get the car seats installed now since the baby could come at any time. I imagine he will be doing it while we are waiting in front of the hospital to go home. I think I am going to make him do it tomorrow.

Tonight we are meeting our pediatrician and tomorrow I have a NST and then OB appt where they will check for progress. I'll update if anything exciting happens at any of these appointments.

Have I mentioned my stretch marks yet? I didnt have any until just recently and now they are popping up all over the place. Last week I noticed some above my belly button and then a couple days ago noticed them below my belly button. I didnt notice these before because I cant see there anymore!! Today I saw a few on my sides. This is not fun. My mom didnt have any stretch marks and she gained 60 lbs. Doesnt that mean that I shouldnt have them either, especially since I've only gained about 20? By the way, I am still shocked that I havent gained more weight, it is in my genes to get huge when you're pregnant and I certainly havent been doing anything (diet, exercise) to prevent it. I guess that is the benefit of being sick for half of your pregnancy.

I am off to read book 4 of the Twilight series! I've read the other 3 in a day each but this one seems to be the longest so I might not finish it until tomorrow. I forgot how much I love reading!


Jill said...

How awesome that you are done with the procardia -- congratulations on making it so far!!!

Enjoy the last Twilight book. :) Have you read the leaked chapters of Midnight Sun yet? They are AMAZING.

Michele said...

With Nicholas and Sophia, I had stretch marks right away. Afterwards, they were some of the reminders that actually helped me get through their losses. This time, I haven't used lotion on my belly once, and have really enjoyed the "mommy scars" that have popped up.