Sunday, March 16, 2008


Beta #2 is back and it is 654! Doubling time was almost exactly 48 hours. Of course, I wish it had doubled quicker but I am trying to remain positive. I go back on Friday for more blood work (including TSH) and an ultrasound. It will be too early to see a heartbeat so I think this is just to check for placement and to make sure there is only one in there. I still dont quite believe it. I am trying to talk about it to make it more real but I really cant believe that it is real. I keep wanting to ask, are you sure you are looking at my chart? Are you sure you wrote the right name on the label? Maybe I will believe it when we see a heartbeat. I keep remembering the day we found out last time and how horrible it was. That could happen at any day now, I guess I am just waiting for it or preparing for it. Anyway, I am thrilled that my betas went up like they were supposed to, I will take the rest one day at a time.

1 comment:

Becky Le Cochon said...

I'm soooo excited for you guys.....
I POAS this morning and my line is still hiding....I'm 12piui and AF is due tomorrow, or not. Since i took clomid. BUT I'm still PUUPO!!!!
WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!!hehehe